You will need to convert an MLS® as your "OWN" listing if:

  • If you represented the buyer in a successful sale! The auto-import by agent ID will not kick in since you are not the listing agent on the listing. Please ensure your local real estate council or board regulations allow you to show listings you sold while representing the buyer, not the seller.
  • If the auto-import of listings fails due to a technical glitch for a listing on which you are shown as the listing agent (please check your Agent profile and agent ID).
  • If you are a member of TREB, the agent ID based auto-conversion as your OWN listing is not possible due to the RETS feed restrictions from TREB. 

Converting a listing to your "OWN" not set it as a SOLD listing automatically. If/When the listing sells, please use the dropdown to mark it SOLD.

Our non-gated content license (which improves Google™ crawl rates as well as higher engagement/lead generation for individual realtor websites) means that most Canadian real estate boards only give us active listing data. Our system is required to simply purge non-active listings when they sell/expire/cancel and no longer display them.

Here's how you can convert MLS® listings as your OWN so they remain on your website permanently!

#1 Go to your listings section on your ADMIN panel.

#2 Click on "Add a New Listing".

#3 - Enter the MLS# of the ilsting you wish to convert as your OWN:

Then click on "Scan MLS®".

The following notice will show up. Now you have to click on "Convert to my Own" and you are done!

This instruction fully converts the target listing to your OWN listing, and you are responsible for marking it SOLD, or hiding it if needed. Please refer our guide on the differences between MLS® reciprocity listings and OWN listings. You should simply feature another agent's listing as a featured listing rather than import as your own if you are not the buyers' agent in a successful transaction.