Sometimes when writing an article on Wordpress, it is beneficial to add a link to a website within the text content. This can be to a page on your website or someone else's website that you find valuable.

To achieve this, start by logging into your Wordpress account and open a "New Post" to practice.

Type some text in the content box like this:

Now highlight the part of that text that you would like to link to another website. This activates the "Link" button on the top row of your editing tool bar. Shown below in yellow, the button looks like a small chain link. Click on it.

A pop up will appear like this.

Enter the URL address into the URL line (make sure that if you are copy pasting from the internet, that there is only ONE http:// at the beginning of the address or it will not work.)

Once you have done that, click the blue arrow button on the right.

You're done !

If you want the link to open in a new tab, instead of clicking the blue arrow button, select the settings button.

Select the "Open link in a new tab" option, then click on "Update" at the bottom.

And there you have it. Now you are ready to link content to another webpage in your Wordpress articles. Please feel welcome to contact us with more questions though we encourage you to first check the rest of our support centre.