Featured images on your blog posts are a great way to enhance the way it appears, increase click-through rate, and make the post look better overall when visitors are reading it. 

Just about all Wordpress installations by Brixwork have a slot for a Featured Image to show up. Take a look at Filer & Welch's Vancouver Westside Real Estate Report for January 2022.  

How The Featured Image Looks on Your Real Estate Blog:

When browsing the blog articles (on your real estate blog top page), the featured images enhance each article: 

The Canva-Generated stats graphic beautifully introduces the article:Vancouver Real Estate Report With A Branded Infographic Generated on Canva

How Featured Images Enhance Social Media Sharing on Facebook & LinkedIn Of Your Articles

Preview snippets will pick up the featured image as the preview images:

These previews are also enabled on iMessage, WhatsApp, WeChat and other modern messaging platforms that utilize link sharing.

Uploading & Setting A Featured Image For Your Blog Post

When editing your blog post, look to the right side bar - there is a "Featured Image" section. 

Click the blue link to set an image.

You can either:

  • Choose an image already uploaded to your media library,
  • OR drag & drop a new image in there. 

Pro Tip: Google's crawlers LOVE descriptive Alt tags on your image. Learn more about how to write proper alt tags that describe an image here. 

To Differentiate The Featured Image On The Blog and What Shows Up As The Preview Image on Share
If you want a more detailed image to be the on-site featured image, while use a simpler/minimal graphic on Social Media Preview Snippets, you can select a different image. 

The following feature is available for advanced users who have the AIOSEO (All-in-one SEO) plugin installed on their real estate blogs set up by Brixwork. This is not a common feature. Please inquire to our support desk to have this installed.

Change the Preview Image Default From The Featured Image To Something Else

Scroll down while editing your blog post, until you see the AIO SEO pane. 

Switch to the SOCIAL tab, and you'll see a "Facebook Preview" (This applies to other previews too, not just Facebook)

You can adjust the title & description, and below that, you can set the preview image to NOT default to the featured image set above.

You can choose another image from the media library. 

a ticket to upgrade this feature 

**additional costs may apply depending on your current template and when it was built