Show a fellow agent's listing on the MLS® Listing (That is Not Your Own)

**Note: this article applies only to customers who are subscribed to the MLS® Reciprocity service by BRIXWORK. Not available in all areas, please inquire for more details.

You are able to include MLS® Reciprocity listings of your choice in your pool of "Featured" listings. Featured listings are generally shown on the homepage, as well as the "Featured Listings" section of your listings dropdown menu. Individual settings differ between websites. 

Benefits of featuring another listing on your Featured Listings or Homepage:

  • Increase visible inventory when you are low on your own listings, with diversity!
  • Help out a colleague who wants more exposure (they can do the same for you if they have a proper MLS® reciprocity integrated website). 
  • Improve your relevance on Google™ for certain cities/subareas by carefully selecting listings to feature. 
  • When the listing is no longer available on the MLS® (whether it sells, expires, cancels, or is put on hold & hidden) it automatically hides from your website as well - worry-free!

Feature by specific MLS® Numbers:

A. To do this, first log into your Admin panel of your BRIXWORK website. In your Listings click on the "Listings" section.

B. In your Listings Page click on "Add New Listing"

C. Enter the MLS® number and then click the "Scan MLS®" button. The system will attempt to retrieve listings that match your query. 

D. Choose  "Feature Another Agent's" depends on the case (read the message in the box). Unless you represented the buyer of a successful transaction, you shouldn't convert any listings as your own under most real estate board regulations. 

This instruction on featuring another listing that is not your own means the listing still follows the behaviour of an MLS® Reciprocity listing - please refer to our guide on the differences between MLS® reciprocity listings and OWN listings

Did you represent the buyer on a deal?

You can mark a listing as your OWN if you brought the buyer. On most MLS® integrations, the agent ID will automatically import listings as your own. Hit "CONVERT TO MY OWN" on the above screen if you were the successful Realtor® repping the buyer ! Full workflow & notes on converting listings to your OWN is here.